Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You?
If you sleep with your dog, you may have experienced this scenario: you’re getting ready to sleep, only for your dog to position themselves with their bum facing you.
It might seem rude, but it’s actually a compliment. Remember, dogs communicate mainly through body language, and their sleeping positions are no exception.
Let’s dive into what it means and what it reveals about your bond!
Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You? Understanding the Reasons
1. They Trust You
Dogs are most vulnerable when they sleep. That was also the case for their ancestors who had to stay alert to survive. Being unaware of their surroundings would have made them easy targets for predators.
While modern dogs don’t have to worry about this, they still carry these instincts, which were inherited from their wild ancestors.
If your dog sleeps with their bum facing you, it means they trust you and feel safe enough not to stay on high alert.
They know you’ve got their back, and that speaks volumes about your bond.
2. Pack Instincts
Dogs are pack animals. In the wild, they not only sleep together for safety, but some will face outward to monitor for potential threats while the rest of the group sleeps.
If your dog turns their back (and bum) to you, they may be ‘standing guard’ to ‘protect you’. They see you as a member of their pack and feel responsible for keeping an eye on their surroundings.
It’s a sign of trust and security. It also stems from their deep-rooted instinct to protect and be protected within their pack—which includes you.
3. Avoiding Eye Contact
For humans, direct eye contact is a way to show interest and connect with others.
For dogs, however, it can be perceived as a threat or challenge. For example, one dog might stare directly into another’s eyes to assert dominance.
To prevent confrontation, some dogs will instinctively turn their backs when sleeping. This helps them feel safer and more comfortable so they can fully relax (you’ll know they are relaxed if you hear your dog snoring).
It’s also a way for them to avoid distractions when all they want to do is sleep.
4. Scent Marking
Dogs rely on their sense of smell to explore the world around them. Unlike humans, they can detect and interpret scents in incredible detail.
Why do dogs sniff each other’s butts upon meeting? To gather information about each other.
They’ll also mark their territory by peeing on objects like trees and fences. It might not seem obvious, but they’re leaving behind unique scent markers to let other dogs know they were there.
If your dog sleeps with their back facing you, they’re likely leaving their scent on you as their strongest scent glands are located near their tails.
At the end of the day, it means they see you as family and want to reinforce the bond you share.
5. Temperature Regulation
Dogs have a natural cooling system that helps regulate their body temperature on hot days. However, they can still overheat.
For example, this can happen if the thermostat is set too high or if there’s poor ventilation in the room; this is especially true if you have a dog with a long fur coat.
If they get too warm while sleeping, they may turn their back or bum toward you to avoid the extra body heat. They might even kick away some blankets in the process.
It just means they’re trying to cool down so they can sleep more comfortably.
6. Habit
For some dogs, sleeping with their bum facing you may simply be a quirky habit. They might find it more comfortable (e.g., it helps them stretch their legs), or it could be something they did once and stuck with.
It all comes down to personal preference, just like how we have our own favorite sleeping positions.
They might even alternate between different sleeping positions (i.e., the dog sleeps on their back, then rolls over and gives you their bum halfway through the night).
Signs to Watch Out For
There’s nothing wrong with having your dog’s bum next to you when you’re sleeping. If you notice a foul odor or if they keep licking their behind, however, it might be time for a vet visit.
Foul Odor
Several things can cause a dog to have stinky farts. For example, it can be caused by food intolerances or allergies. Eating spoiled or rotten food can also cause extra-stinky gas as the stomach struggles to digest it properly
It can also indicate an underlying health issue, such as inflammatory bowel disease or pancreatitis, especially if the gas is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, or weight loss.
If that’s the case, you’ll want to take them to the vet so they can perform the necessary tests for a diagnosis.
Excessive Licking
If your dog keeps licking his bottom, he may have an underlying condition that needs attention.
For example, his anal glands might be full or infected, which could cause itchiness as well as a strong fishy odor.
Intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms, can also cause a dog to lick their bum at night. Check their tail area for small white segments—if you notice any, your dog likely has tapeworms.
While over-the-counter deworming medications are available, we highly recommend taking your pup to the vet for a checkup so they can prescribe the proper treatment.